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Life After UArts: a Profile of Elias Rivera


Eli is a University of the Arts alumni. He’s currently in Goosebumps at the Walnut Street Theatre. Personally, I’m at a completel loss when i think about getting into the world after graduation, so I asked Eli some questions to learn a little bit more about his path.

When did you graduate from UArts and what was your major?

Musical Theatre 2018

Briefly describe your experience at UArts.

I enjoyed my time at Uarts although it was often a mixed bag. I got to be in some pretty great shows but also went several seasons Uncast. There were also a lot of things about the administration that keep it from being a top school. But overall I love where the program has come in the last 4 years and I wouldn’t be able to do what I do today without it.

What did you do right after you graduated?

Immediately after I graduated I went to Disney . But now I just go to work just like I normally do and try to go to as many auditions as possible.

What was the transition from student to professional like for you?

So the transition is rough! School just ends and you don’t really know what to do next. Here I am only about a month out and I was lucky enough to book this show at the walnut during my last semester. However now I feel like I’m racing an invisible clock. Our degree only gets you so far and for so long. Most casting directors want to see what you did in your first year out (even tho spoiler it doesn’t dictate anything)

How do you balance working a “normal” job and auditioning?

Tea is I don’t eat a LOT. Not out of choice sometimes it’s just like that especially in my case when I don’t have parents who can support me financially. So you have to find somewhere that understands your schedule and how unpredictable it may be. But you also have to show them that you are a very hard worker so they appreciate when you are there. For me that is hosting at a restaurant. It’s Good pay and the schedules are made a week before so while that makes planning ahead very hard it does help my audition schedule be my priority

How did you get your name out there?

So the work for me started freshman year. I decided to start doing to as many opening nights paired with as many auditions as possible. (It really is about who you know) Auditioning for me is less of a game of “do I have a character I could play” and more of me trying to show them that I can do anything they want and be a lot of fun to work with while doing it. I then started just saying yes to everything and anything. When you are a hard worker and you put out good work, word travels fast. Also people are going to be more likely to cast you if they think they could be your friend.

You’re working with the Walnut right now. That’s awesome! How did you get your foot in the door at such a prestigious theater?

So I did a show at the Ritz and met some awesome people who got me set up at Candlelight dinner theatre in Delaware where I worked last year for 7 months. From doing that they heard I was good a portraying kids and offered me an audition for the walnut kid series which is a non-eq series but offers the chance to show your chops to the full walnut team, perform on their stage, and add a walnut credit to your resume.

What’s working with the Walnut like?

I’m not going to lie it’s very tough. I am still Non-eq so there are limitations that come with that. As well as the Walnut is Very commercial so they give you a lot to do in a very little amount of time. Rehearsal for Goosebumps was only a week and then we started tech which was only 1 day for 10 hours straight and then one preview. We will open on Saturday with a 3 SHOW DAY! But a lot of them get asked to come back/understudy for the main stage shows. Despite the stress the pay is great and the people are sooo nice. It does feel like I have been let into a little family!

Do you have any advice for any current UArts students?

Take a HUGE BREATH. We all often spend so much time worrying about our talent and how that compares to other people and it SHOWS in our work. Be your best and learn to let everything else roll off your back. Also when it comes to auditions make it work and just GO! Don’t spend too much time trying to make the “perfect audition” or waiting for the right time. You’ll sit and watch everyone else succeed without you. You’ve spent so many years of your life prepping to do this and there are people who get farther with much less so learn to stfu and trust yourself. This will only work if you jump into the unknown (feet first)


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